Knitkatpodcast EPISODE 2: Am I a Luddite? | KNITTING PODCAST

Hi everyone! Here is episode 2 of the Knitkatpodcast. I hope you enjoy it. I’ve got some knitting news, some dyeing news, some FOs, some WIPs, lots of fun stuff.

If you enjoyed watching, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel! I love this podcast format and I think a lot of my videos moving forward will be podcast episodes.



Knitkatpodcast EPISODE 1: What are your team colours? | KNITTING PODCAST

Hi friends! So, it’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog post, and in the meantime I’ve been doing a lot of knitting and yarn dyeing. AND, I started a knitting podcast!

After becoming inspired by some of the great knitting podcasts on YouTube like Voolenvine and the Stranded Podcast, I decided to start my own podcast show. You can watch my very first episode above and see what I’ve been up to.

