The Importance of Blocking

I either steam or block practically everything I knit and crochet (except for that which I felt). Today I want to talk about blocking, which is my usual method of finishing an object. Blocking is a process of wetting a knitted object then pinning or stuffing it to the shape and size you want it…

Experiments with Handspinning

Howdy,I’d like to diverge slightly from the usual knitting menu and talk about my adventures with spinning of late. I bought myself an ever-popular Ashford Traditional spinning wheel at a bargain-basement price last year, while I was in the midst of my Honours year at university. I was surprised that I haven’t become obsessed with…

Versatile Blogger Award

Today I got a happy surprise when I opened my emails. I had been nominated for a “Versatile Blogger Award” by the lovely blogger at Honourable Mentions. Her blog details her descent into madness, also known as psychology Honours (and now into Clinical PhD – congratulations!). So firstly, I’d like to say thanks very much!…


Knitkatpaddywhack , my Etsy shop!!!!! Please take a look at my shop, I would love some feedback! So far I’ve only listed four items but I hope to expand my range soon. Right now my emphasis is on baby goods, as I love babies and baby clothes are a great medium in which to get…

Project Awesome Auntie: Complete

Hey hey hey,Just letting you know that I finished that jumper just after my last post. It took me ages to block it then attach the sleeves, but it has now been sent off (with a note to my sister-in-law allowing her to re-gift it if it doesn’t fit). Today is my niece’s Birthday, I…

Project Awesome Auntie: Update

The other day I told you how I have been asked to duplicate a favourite jumper of my niece’s in a larger size. I hope to send it to her by her Birthday, February 6. I’m taking this adventure seriously, so seriously that it has a code name: Project Awesome Auntie. Also, I was so…

Copy Kat

Evening, peeps. It has been a long time, hasn’t it? Well I hope to blog more often from now on, as I have a year off of studying, so I plan to start an Etsy shop! But this post isn’t about that, this post is about my newest knitting adventure! I visited my darling niece…

Frog Baby

I forgot to say something in my last post. My second ever blog post talked about how I bought a couple of jumpers from the op shop to unravel (frog) for cheap yarn. Well, I’ve completed two projects made from some of that yarn. The first one was this baby jumpsuit: I based it largely…